Acts in visioning and long-range planning for the church as well as overseeing the activities of the church. Any long range plans or activities would be recommended to the congregation for a vote. Takes action related to the Pastor when called to act by the Pastor-Parish Relations Council. Appoints Pulpit Committee when the office of Pastor is vacant. Designates a Moderator if a vacancy occurs in both the office of Moderator and Vice Moderator, to serve until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting. Approves appointments made by the Moderator to fill any vacancy in any Church office, board or committee. Appoints a safe church team and oversee safe church policies. Appoints a bylaws review committee, to be chaired by the past-Moderator, to review the bylaws every three years. Hears reports and consider matters of interest or concern from the standing committees and take action, when necessary.
Board of Deacons
The Deacons assist and support the Pastor in the spiritual affairs of the Church, to include pulpit supply in the absence of the Pastor. They provide the elements for the Lord's Supper and aid in the distribution. The Deacons will be responsible for ushers and greeters. The Deacons take heed to the high calling of their office, guarding faithfully all spiritual interests of the Church, maintaining order in the house of God, visiting the sick, and ministering to the edification and comfort of all. The Deacons invite and encourage inactive members to participate in the life of the church.
Board of Trustees
A trustee is the steward and caretaker of resources, acting in trust on behalf of the whole congregation. Trustees oversee and maintain the church property to assure that it adequately supports the mission of the church.
Responsibilities of a trustee include
Overseeing finances, including preparation of a budget, oversight of its operation and approval of unbudgeted expenses, and handling of endowments, other invested funds, and loans.
Authorizing expenditures.
Providing care, maintenance, and improvement of church property, including buildings, grounds, and furnishings. This will include regular inspection of the property, establishing priorities for repairs and improvements, providing for regular service on all equipment and taking care of emergencies.
Supervising the custodian.
Determining who can use the church property, under what circumstances, and at what cost.
Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education will be responsible to provide ministry to and with children, youth, young adults and adults.
Women's Fellowship
All women of the church make up the Women's Fellowship. The fellowship is composed of the Executive Board, Altar Guild, and Riggs Guild. The Executive Board oversees the functions of the Women's Fellowship. They serve lunches following funerals and other special meetings. They donate to PARS, Missouri Shores, Placerville camperships, scholarship fund, and other projects as requested. They are responsible for the coffee hour schedule and maintain the kitchen supplies. Altar Guild's focus is beautifying the sanctuary, setting for communion, and helping with coffee hour. They meet the first Wednesday of each month, September through May. Riggs Guild is a bible study group. They also support the church's missions through financial donations. They assist with coffee hour. They meet the third Wednesday September through November and January through May.