During the month of June, we joyfully engage in shared worship with our Pierre siblings in Christ from Methodist, Baptist, and Lutheran traditions! Griffin Park shelter serves as our shared outdoor sanctuary; we continue to give God thanks and praise for guiding our ecumenical gatherings. Bring a lawn chair and join in 9:30am worship in the park!
Fall Worship in Fischers Lilly Park, Ft. Pierre
Each Fall, we host one 10am Sunday worship under the shelter at Fischers Lilly Park, Ft. Pierre! Frank & Shirley Halligan play a service filled with special music, and we often celebrate milestones such as baptisms, confirmation services & anniversaries. Everyone is invited to participate in lawn games and a potluck following worship- hosted by the deacons. This is a perfect service to invite friends! Bring a lawnchair & dish to share if you'd like!